75 research outputs found

    Sytuacja prawna pracowników a postępowania restrukturyzacyjne

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    Rozdział z książki: E. Staszewska, I. Barańczyk (red.), Prawo pracy w systemie prawa. Prawo pracy a prawo handlowe, ser. Monografia Koła Naukowego Prawa Pracy, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2016. W publikacji omówiono powiązania prawa pracy z prawem handlowym, choć obie te dziedziny, jak mogłoby się wydawać, stawiają sobie zupełnie inne cele. W obrębie tego zagadnienia podjęto wiele wątków szczegółowych, dotyczących: problematyki przedsiębiorcy jako pracodawcy, jego pozycji prawnej i ochrony jego interesu; podstaw zatrudnienia członków zarządu spółek kapitałowych oraz wpływu restrukturyzacji i likwidacji na stosunki pracy w spółkach handlowych. Podczas prezentacji aspektów łączących prawo handlowe z prawem pracy pojawiły się też kwestie sporne i wymagające pogłębionej dyskusji

    Bilateral resorption of mandibular angle in patient with systematic sclerosis - a case report

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    Progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS) is chronic autoimmune disease affecting a connective tissue. The symptoms of PSS in orofacial area are: restricted mouth opening, xerostomia, facial asymmetry and problems with oral hygiene. Radiographic images can show specific features like bone resorption, especially in mandibular region or periodontal ligament space widening. The aim of this study was to present the case of 56-year-old woman with characteristic scleroderma-related changes visible on panoramic radiograph. The patient diagnosed with severe systemic sclerosis was referred by dermatologist to general dentist. The woman experienced tightening of facial skin, xerostomia and reduced mouth opening which caused problems with daily oral hygiene and dental treatment. General dentist referred the patient to the Department of Dental and Maxillofacial Radiodiagnostics of Medical University of Lublin for the panoramic X-ray. One of the main findings was bilateral resorption of mandibular angles. Localization of the bone resorption in patients with scleroderma is related to attachements of masticatory muscles. Dentists and general doctors should be aware that some of the maxillofacial manifestations of systematic scleroderma can be visible on panoramic radiographs

    Evaluation of root resorption in maxillary anterior teeth during orthodontic treatment with a fixed appliance based on panoramic radiographs

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of apical root resorption in the anterior teeth of the maxilla visible on panoramic images during orthodontic treatment with a fixed appliance. Material and methods: A total of 194 panoramic radiographs of patients with a fixed appliance in the upper arch were analysed to evaluate the severity of root resorption in maxillary incisors and canines according to Levander and Malmgren classification. The research group included 135 females and 59 males, aged 15-28 years, with a mean 20.6 years. Results: Of examined patients 75.26% had signs of apical root resorption. The tooth most frequently affected by resorptive changes was the right central upper incisor. The gender and age of the patients were not found to be significant factors. The highest number of teeth had second (II) stage root resorption (53.09%). Conclusions: Panoramic radiographs can be useful in diagnosing external apical root resorption due to orthodontic treatment

    The Differences in the dentition pattern in monozygotic twins based on panoramic examinations – case report on two pairs of twins

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    The aim of the study is to present two examples of twins with differences in their dentition revealed with the use of panoramic examinations. The analysis based on panoramic X-rays shows that even though the monozygotic twins share 100% of the genome, their dentitions reveal significant differences.&nbsp

    Tumor molecular margins

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    Zmiany molekularne charakterystyczne dla guza nowotworowego, takie jak mutacje genetyczne czy zmieniony poziomswoistych transkryptów i białek, obserwowane są niekiedy w obrębie prawidłowych morfologicznie i histologicznietkanek otaczających nowotwór. Taki obszar tkanek otaczających nowotwór nazywany jest marginesem molekularnymguza. Zakłada się, że zmiany molekularne obserwowane w tym obszarze mogą być etapem poprzedzającymzmiany morfologiczne i histologiczne. Skuteczność operacyjnego leczenia nowotworów zależy od całkowitej resekcjiguza, a przyczyną niepowodzenia leczenia mogą być wznowy miejscowe, będące efektem pozostawienia pozapolem operacyjnym komórek nowotworowych. Nie można jednak wykluczyć, że wznowy miejscowe są efektemtransformacji nowotworowej sąsiadujących z guzem tkanek histologicznie prawidłowych, zainicjowanej występującymitu wcześniej zmianami molekularnymi. W takim ujęciu zdefiniowanie marginesów molekularnych guza i ichusunięcie razem z nowotworem może być kluczowe dla skuteczności leczenia operacyjnego. Istnieje szereg narzędzidiagnostycznych umożliwiających zdefiniowanie obszaru i określenie właściwości molekularnych marginesów guzanowotworowego. Do najczęściej stosowanych należą metody immunohistochemiczne i metody oparte na reakcjiPCR, umożliwiające analizę wybranych białek, transkryptów i genów. W ostatnim czasie podejmowane są równieżpróby wykorzystania do badania marginesów molekularnych guza nowotworowego zaawansowanych techniczniemetod genomiki i proteomiki. Do najbardziej obiecujących wśród nich należy metoda obrazowania molekularnegotkanek za pomocą spektrometrii mas (Imaging Mass Spectrometry).Molecular changes characteristic of malignant tumors such as genetic mutations or altered levels of specific transcriptsand proteins are sometimes observed within the morphologically and histologically normal tissue adjacent to thetumor. Such an area of morphologically normal yet molecularly changed tissue is called a molecular margin of tumor.It has been suggested that molecular changes observed in this area might be followed by a further transformationinto a malignant tumor. The efficacy of surgical treatment of the tumor depends on complete resection of cancercells, hence local recurrence and failure of the treatment might result from tumor cells residing outside the resectedarea. However, a local recurrence could also result from malignant transformation of cells in morphologically andhistologically normal tissue adjacent to the tumor where molecular cancer-initiating changes were pre-existing. Henceidentification and delineation of molecular margins of tumor (and removing them together with the cancer) mightbe crucial for the efficacy of the treatment. There are several diagnostic tools that can be used for identification andcharacterization of tumor molecular margins. The most commonly used include immunohistochemistry and PCR-basedmethods, which allows analysis of pre-selected proteins, transcripts and genes. Most recently, technically advancedmethods of genomics and proteomics have been also proposed in studies of molecular margins of cancer, includingmolecular imaging of tissue by mass spectrometry (so called Imaging Mass Spectrometry)

    Effects of Maraviroc and Efavirenz on Markers of Immune Activation and Inflammation and Associations with CD4+ Cell Rises in HIV-Infected Patients

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    Maraviroc treatment for HIV-1 infected patients results in larger CD4(+) T cell rises than are attributable to its antiviral activity alone. We investigated whether this is due to modulation of T cell activation and inflammation.Thirty maraviroc-treated patients from the Maraviroc versus Efavirenz Regimens as Initial Therapy (MERIT) study were randomly selected from among those who had CCR5-tropic (R5) HIV on screening and achieved undetectable HIV RNA (<50 copies/mL) by Week 48. Efavirenz-treated controls were matched for baseline characteristics to the maraviroc-treated patients selected for this substudy. Changes in immune activation and inflammation markers were examined for associations with CD4(+) T cell changes. Maraviroc treatment tended to result in more rapid decreases in CD38 expression on CD4(+) T cells and in plasma D-dimer concentrations than did treatment with efavirenz. The proportion of patients with high-sensitivity C-reactive protein >2 µg/mL increased from 45% to 66% in the efavirenz arm, but remained constant in the maraviroc arm (P = 0.033). Decreases in CD38 expression on CD8(+) T cells were correlated with CD4(+) T cell rises for maraviroc treatment (r = -0.4, P = 0.048), but not for treatment with efavirenz.Maraviroc-treated patients had earlier, modest decreases in certain markers of immune activation and inflammation, although in this small study, many of the differences were not statistically significant. Levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein remained constant in the maraviroc arm and increased in the efavirenz arm. Decreases in immune activation correlated with increased CD4(+) T cell gains.ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00098293

    Interleukin-6 and melatonin as predictors of cognitive, emotional and functional ageing of older people

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    Background: The ageing process causes a number of changes in the human immune and endocrine systems. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between cognitive, emotional and functional skills as well lifestyle, versus selected biochemical indicators of the ageing process. Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted in a group of 121 people aged 60–90 residing in the Lesser Poland voivodship. The study used standardized research tools including the Barthel scale, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) scale, Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Life Orientation Test (LOT-R) and inventory of health behaviors (IHB). In addition, the concentration of IL-6 and melatonin in the blood plasma was determined. Results: We determined the correlation between the level of IL-6 in a group of people over 75 years of age (requiring medical care), and results of the IADL scale. There was also a correlation between melatonin levels and the MMSE results in a group of people aged 60–75 who did not require constant medical care. Conclusions: IL-6 can be treated as a predictor of functional skills of people over 75 years of age, and melatonin can be perceived as a factor for recognizing cognitive impairment in elderly people who do not require constant medical assistanc

    Konferencja Uzgodnieniowa: Problemy żywieniowe w polskiej onkologii

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    Z inicjatywy Polskiego Towarzystwa Onkologicznego i Polskiego Towarzystwa Onkologii Klinicznej powołano Grupę Roboczą, której zadaniem jest dokonanie oceny obecnego stanu poradnictwa i leczenia żywieniowego w polskiej onkologii, wskazanie kierunków działania i stworzenie podstaw organizacyjnych dla wprowadzenia tematyki żywieniowej do szkolenia onkologów i praktyki leczenia przeciwnowotworowego w Polsce. Podczas pierwszego spotkania Grupy Roboczej dokonano oceny obecnego stanu poradnictwa i leczenia żywieniowego w polskich ośrodkach onkologicznych, a następnie określono zagadnienia wymagające podjęcia działań oraz sposoby ich wdrażania. Niniejszy dokument stanowi podsumowanie ustaleń Grupy Roboczej